41 Worcester Sq # 2, Boston MA 02118
Boston, MA US, 02118
Boston, MA US, 02118- 1, 1 bath
- 380 sq ft
- Date added: Added 1 year ago
- Category: Residential
- Area, sq ft: 380 sq ft
- Lot size, sq ft: 380 sq ft
- Tax Assessed Value: 390600
- Status: Active
- Type: Condominium
- MLS ID: 73166084
- Bedrooms: 0
- Bathrooms: 1, 1
- Half baths: 0
- Garage: false
- Garage Spaces: 0
- Community Features: Public Transportation, Shopping, Park, Walk/Jog Trails, Medical Facility, Laundromat, Highway Access, House of Worship, Marina, Private School, Public School, T-Station, University
Financial Considerations
- Tax Amount: $4,195
Disclosures and Reports
- Buyer's Brokerage Compensation: 245, 2
- Disclosures: Property will not qualify for conventional financing. Cash or portfolio loan due to commercial space and low owner occupancy.
- Appliances: Range,Dishwasher,Refrigerator
Building Details
- Units: 10
- Basement: N
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